The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Hello there. Have you seen Star Wars yet? What about Lady Bird? How's school? Where's Louise? Oh she'll be here for coffee and dessert? Perfect.
Enough small talk, I'm sure we are all full up on both family pleasantries and assorted holiday meats. Everyone reading this gets an extra nap voucher.

We at Posh Pooch wanted to extend our warmest Christmas wishes to all of you, our friends, family, and furry friends and family. This time of year is special for all of us here at the shop, (duh), and it's such a wonderful sight to see the outpouring of kindness and generosity you guys show us. Seriously, look at our back counter during the holidays. It's nearly bowing in the middle from the weight of chocolate and peppermint. That's a small sliver of all the love we feel.
It's so cliche to say but this time it's true when we say that we are getting ready for a lot of changes this next year, and we're super stoked for almost all of them. We can't wait to share all of these new experiences with you.
We wouldn't be able to be here without you all. We wouldn't be able to do what we do or to feel good about how we do it. Almost every shop has regulars but it's rare to have so many customers that can be called friends and loved ones. You warm our hearts better than eggnog. We love that you can trust us to give you and yours the best experience possible.
We love you, the greatest family of clients around, for sticking with us.
There are so many people in this world with so little, and we try every day to be grateful for what we have and what we are able to give back.
Thank you for keeping us going for another amazing year.

Thank you for your forever consistent loyalty.

Thank you for making our holidays that much more lovely.

And Merry Christmas.